Careers and Jobs

Career and Job


"A chosen profession or occupation" or "The progress and actions taken by a person throughout the life time especially those related to that person occupation."
No career is good or bad Itself

Purpose of Career

There is strong link between  the career you choose and your purpose in life. A career is a vehicle that carries you to your purpose.

A good career is financially or otherwise rewarding, and it meets our skills and interest. A good career choice is most essential thing. Your whole life depends on it. Good career choice helps you to get a job in which you have interest.

In this world only some people are working at job which they like; so become one of them by building your strengths and broadening your interests while young. A good career choice makes you a successful person in your life. Any thing in which you are interested.

Types of Career 

Factors affecting the career choice

  • Interest
  • Skills
  • Aptitude
  • Experience
  • Personality
  • Life goals and work values
  • Family traditions
Before choosing any career also concern with career counselor, your parents and people who is in this career.


A piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for an agreed price.
Full time and Part time job

Good Job

A job that is with high payment and brings the happiness, passion to workers are the factor are appreciated the most by most people.
The first factor that people think it need to have a good job is high payment  If you have high income you will have a high standard of living. you can afford any thing you want. Abroad trips, luxury car, well-settled house, education of their children in a good institutes etc.

The second factor that a good job need to have is to bring the happiness and passion to the worker. This factor is most important. People mainly choose a job with a good salary instead of a job they love. Working makes you sometimes feel tired, depressed and exhausted thus you will suffer from stress and pressure which surely has bad effects on outcome of your work, your family happiness and on your health. Therefore choice of a job is very important, always choice a job in which you interested.

Choosing a job base on natural interest which is not only good for a person but also for company and their family. The person will give his best which is good for company,company will get more profit and this is important for the development of society.


Choosing a right career and job is most essential for a happy life. The interest of a person is most important thing. The worker will feel comfortable and happy with their job.

"Be proud of yourself how hard you are working"


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